Developer Preview

Generative AI for Observability.
Observability for Generative AI.

iceburst lets you easily monitor your infrastructure, applications, databases, networks, data streams, microservices & more - all in one unified platform.


Why did we build Iceburst?

Most monitoring tools do the same

They install an agent or poll data through an API, send it to their time-series database, and then provide you with dashboards and charts to look at. This may seem good at first, but it causes more pain than cure when it comes time to scale up to terabytes per day.

  • Data Visibility

    Deciding what to log and what not to log, and resorting to sampling or compression to keep the costs low.
  • Latency & Throughput

    Centralized logging is a real drag. It takes forever to scan the log data and get the results.
  • Pricing Model

    Pricing plans that are stuck in the 90's. Vendors have exploited companies with GBs or rows ingested and retained.

How's iceburst different?

Our approach is simple: ingest the OpenTelemetry data in an S3 bucket as Parquet files in Iceberg table format and query them using DuckDB with milliseond retrieval and zero egress cost.

  • 01. Instrument and log everything ― Build a culture of deep observability in your team from day one without worrying about costs.
  • 02. Run fast queries, faster ― DuckDB's fast query processing with Parquet's columnar encodings and Iceberg's table format provides incredible performance.
  • 03. No-brainer pricing ― Don't let your observability cost increase linearly with the amount of data you generate. Simple, predictable pricing is better than complicated, usage-based pricing.
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Platform for hypergrowth

Build composable data systems that grows with you. Just like iceberg.

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Different by design

iceburst ticks all your checkboxes

Our approach is opinionated, offering tools and systems for monitoring and security. This means that you do not have to build another observability pipeline, provision a Kafka cluster, or manage Flink jobs. We will take care of chaining everything together for you.

Our Favorite Part

Why developers actually ❤️ iceburst?

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Ready to roll?

Bring your buckets,
we'll handle the rest.

Monitor any stack, any application, at any size, anywhere.